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Unit VI: Symbolic Logics | BCA 1st Semester Mathematics I Notes Pdf

Symbolic logic is a discipline of mathematics in which logical ideas are expressed using symbols. This approach allows you to manipulate concepts mathematically in the same way you can manipulate numbers.

The use of letters and other symbols to represent numbers and concepts is known to most people. Many algebraic solutions, for example, begin with the phrase "Let x denote..." That is, the letter x can represent the number of nails in a box, the number of sheep in a flock, or the number of miles driven by a car. In geometry, the letter p is frequently used to indicate a point. Line segments, intersections, and other geometric notions can then be described using P.

A letter like p can be used to express a full sentence in symbolic logic. "A triangle has three sides," for example, maybe represented as it.

Symbolic Logics - Mathematics I

In this “Symbolic Logics - Mathematics I” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Symbolic Logics
  2. Statements
  3. Logical connectives
  4. Conjunction, Disjunction, Negation, Conditional or Implication, Biconditional
  5. Logical equivalence
  6. Negation of compound events
  7. Tautology and contradiction

==== Point to Note ====

This article Symbolic Logics - Mathematics I is contributed by Namrata Chaudhary, a student of Lumbini Engineering College (LEC).

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BCA 1st Semester Mathematics I Notes Pdf:

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