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Unit III: Programming Techniques | BCA 1st Semester Programming Logic and Techniques (PLT) Notes Pdf

A program is a set of instructions and processes designed to accomplish a certain goal. To create the software, the programmer can employ any logic and procedure. Programming technique refers to the logic, strategy, and approach that a programmer employs to quickly and independently build a program. The programmer can create a program that can do a certain series of computations in a short amount of time, make logical conclusions, and repeat a set of instructions without error.

Iteration control, selection control, choice control, and condition control are examples of programming techniques used by programmers to make logical decisions or branching capabilities. The decision-making process is also aided by the programming method. Programming approaches enable programmers to break down programming jobs into smaller chunks and reuse previously developed code.

Programming Technique – Programming Logic and Techniques

In this “Programming Technique – Programming Logic and Techniques” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Programming Techniques
  2. Types of Programming Techniques (Approaches)
  3. Modular Approach
  4. Advantages of using Modular Approach, disadvantages of using Modular Approach
  5. Top-down Approach
  6. Advantages of Top-Down Approach, disadvantages of Top-Down Approach
  7. Bottom UP Approach
  8. Advantages of Bottom-Up Approach, disadvantages of Bottom-Up Approach
  9. Difference between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach
  10. Structured Programming Technique
  11. Three Basic Logical Structures
  12. Advantages of using Structured Programming, disadvantages of using Structured Programming
  13. Object-Oriented Programming Technique
  14. Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming, disadvantages of Object-Oriented Programming
  15. Program or Software Development Models
  16. Types of Software Development Models
  17. Waterfall Model
  18. Advantages of Waterfall Model, disadvantages of Waterfall Model
  19. Spiral Model
  20. Advantages of Spiral Model, disadvantages of Spiral Model
  21. Difference between Waterfall Model and Spiral Model
  22. Prototype or Transformation Model
  23. Advantages of Prototype Model, disadvantages of Prototype Model
  24. Difference between Waterfall Model and Prototype Model
  25. Iterative Model, The V-Model, Rapid Application Development (RAD) model, The Big Bang Model, The Evolutionary Model
  26. What Is Data Validation And Data Analysis? Write the Data Validation Techniques
  27. Various Data Validation Techniques
  28. Cohesion and Coupling
  29. Types of Cohesions
  30. Coincidental Cohesion, Logical Cohesion, Temporal Cohesion, Procedural Cohesion, Communicational Cohesion, Sequential Cohesion, Functional Cohesion
  31. Types of Coupling
  32. Content Coupling, Common Coupling, External Coupling, Control Coupling, Stamp Coupling (Data-Structured Coupling), Data Coupling, Message Coupling
  33. Logics of Program Development
  34. Some of the Logic Used In Programming
  35. Sequential Logic, Selection Logic, Iterative Logic, Recursive Logic
  36. Communication between the Modules
  37. USES Relation, IS_COMPONENT_OF Relation

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 1st Semester Programming Logic and Techniques Notes Pdf:

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