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Unit I: Introduction to Computer | BCA 1st Semester Computer Fundamentals and Application Notes Pdf

The word "computer" is derived from the Greek word "compute" which means "to calculate". A computer is an electronic device that can be reprogrammed to take input from the user, process them by using CPU "Central Processing Unit" and give output in the human-readable and understandable form and even store the output for future use.

It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations. The only language supported by the computer systems is "Binary System" or "Machine Language". The Machine Language is represented by 0's and 1's.

Introduction to Computer – Computer Fundamentals and Application

In this “Introduction to Computer – Computer Fundamentals and Application” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Definition of Computer
  2. How A Computer Works? History of Computers
  3. Age of Mechanical Calculating Era
  4. Abacus, Napier’s Bone, Schickard’s Calculating Clock, Slide Rule, Pascaline, Stepped Reckoner, Jacquard’s Loom and Punch Card, Difference Engine and Analytical Engine, Lady Augusta Ada, Tabulating Machine
  5. Age of Electro-Mechanical Computer Era
  6. Mark-I, ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer)
  7. Age of Electronic Computer Era
  8. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC), Automatic Computing Engine (ACE), John Von Neumann, Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC), Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer (EDSAC), UNIVersal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC)
  9. Generation of Computers
  10. First Generation of Computers, Features of First Generation of Computers
  11. Second Generation of Computers, Features of Second Generation of Computers
  12. Third Generation of Computers, Features of Third Generation of Computers
  13. Fourth Generation of Computers, Features of Fourth Generation of Computers
  14. Fifth Generation of Computers, Features of Fifth Generation of Computers
  15. Types of Computers
  16. On The Basis Of Working Principle
  17. Analog Computer, Digital Computer, Different between Analog and Digital Computer, Hybrid Computer
  18. On The Basis Of Size
  19. Super Computer, Mainframe Computer, Mini Computer, Micro Computer
  20. On The Basis Of Brand
  21. IBM PC, IBM Compatible, Apple/Macintosh
  22. On The Basis Of Processor Used
  23. XT (Extended Technology), AT (Advanced Technology), PS/2 (Personal System/2)
  24. Characteristics of Modern Computers
  25. Application of Computers

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 1st Semester Computer Fundamentals and Application Notes Pdf:

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