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Unit VI: Introduction to Pointers | BCA 2nd Semester C Programming Notes Pdf

A pointer is a variable that contains a memory address of another variable. Normally a pointer variable is declared the same way as other variables in C. So, that it will work only with an address of another variable. Just as an integer variable can hold only an integer, a character variable can hold only a character type. Each pointer variable can point only to a specific type (int, float, char). Pointer can have a name that is legal for other variable and it is declared in some fashion like other variable but while deceleration we preceded by *(asterisk) operator to inform pointer variable."

Introduction to Pointers – C Programming

In this “Introduction to Pointers – C Programming” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Pointers
  2. Pointer Deceleration
  3. Address (&) and Indirection (*) or Deference Operator
  4. Initialization Pointers
  5. Bad Pointer
  6. Void Pointer
  7. Null Pointer
  8. Pointer and Arrays
  9. Returning Multiple Values from the Functions Using Pointers
  10. Pointer Arithmetic
  11. Double Indirection (Pointer to Pointer)
  12. Pointer and Strings
  13. Pointer to Array
  14. Pointer to Multidimensional Array
  15. Application of Pointer

==== Point to Note ====

This article Introduction to Pointers – C Programming is contributed by Pawan Tiwari, a student of LA GRANDEE International College (LGIC).

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BCA 2nd Semester C Programming Language Notes Pdf:

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