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Unit IX: Developing a Project | BCA 2nd Semester C Programming Notes Pdf

Project decomposition is a method for breaking deliverables down into smaller and smaller pieces. The top layer, which encompasses the breakdown, is the WBS. Each layer gives a more detailed analysis of the previous layer. WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) is defined by PMBOK® as "a hierarchical breakdown of the complete scope of work to be performed by the project team in order to achieve the project objectives and generate the needed deliverables."

Developing a Project – C Programming

In this “Developing a Project – C Programming” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Project Definition
  2. Characteristics of a Project
  3. Functional Specification
  4. Typical series of steps in developing a software product
  5. Requirements, Objectives, Functional Specification, Design Change Requests, Logic Specification, User Documentation, Test Plan, The Final Product
  6. Top-Down Analysis
  7. Decomposition of Projects
  8. Benefits of Project Decomposition
  9. Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
  10. Modular Programming in C

==== Point to Note ====

This article Developing a Project – C Programming is contributed by Pawan Tiwari, a student of LA GRANDEE International College (LGIC).

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BCA 2nd Semester C Programming Language Notes Pdf:

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