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Unit V: Instruction Cycle | BCA 3rd Semester Microprocessors Notes Pdf

The basic operation cycle of a computer is the instruction cycle (also known as the fetch-decode-execute cycle). It is the procedure by which a computer gets a program instruction from its memory, identifies the actions required by the instruction, and executes those actions. From the time the computer starts to the time it shuts down, the central processing unit (CPU) repeats this cycle indefinitely.

Instruction Cycle – Microprocessors

In this “Instruction Cycle – Microprocessors ” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Common Terminologies
  2. T State, Instruction Cycle, Fetch Cycle, Execution Cycle, Machine Cycle
  3. Instruction Cycle
  4. Steps in Instruction Cycle
  5. Step 1: Fetch the Instruction
  6. Step 2: Decode the Instruction
  7. Step 3: Read the Effective Address
  8. Step 4: Execute the Instruction
  9. Fetch Cycle
  10. Decode, Execute
  11. Machine Cycle Status and Control Signals
  12. Interrupt Cycle

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 3rd Semester Microprocessors Notes Pdf:

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