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Unit VIII: Security Management | BCA 4th Semester Operating System Notes Pdf

File system often contains information that is highly valuable to their users. Protecting this information against unauthorized usage is the major concern of all file systems. We generally use the term security to refer to the specific operating system mechanism used to safeguard information in the computer.

Security Management – Operating System

In this “Security Management – Operating System” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Security Problems
  2. Causes of Security Problems
  3. Hardware Error
  4. Software Error
  5. Human Error
  6. Intruders
  7. Types of Intruders
  8. Passive Attack, Active Attack
  9. User Authentication
  10. Password
  11. Password Vulnerability
  12. Password Vulnerability Due To Phishing, Brute Force Attack Puts Password at Risk, Dictionary or Wordlist Attack, Social Engineering, Malware Attack on Passwords Increasing By the Day
  13. Encrypted Password
  14. One Time passwords
  15. Biometrics Password
  16. User Authorization
  17. Difference between Authentication and Authorization
  18. Program Threats
  19. Trojan Horse, Trap Door, Logic Bomb, Stack Buffer Overflow
  20. System Threats
  21. Worm, Port Scanning, Denial of Service, Virus
  22. Cryptography
  23. Types of Cryptography
  24. Symmetric Key Cryptography, Asymmetric Key Cryptography
  25. Protection Mechanism
  26. Protection Domain, Access Control List (ACL), Capabilities, Trusted System

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 4th Semester Operating System Notes Pdf:

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