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Unit III: Process Management | BCA 4th Semester Operating System Notes Pdf

A process is a program in execution. The process is not as same as program code but a lot more than it. A process is an 'active' entity as opposed to the program which is considered to be a 'passive' entity. Attributes held by the process include hardware state, memory, CPU, etc.

Process Management – Operating System

In this “ Process Management – Operating System” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Process Concepts
  2. The Process Model
  3. Process States
  4. Process States Transitions
  5. Process Control Block (PCB)
  6. Operations on Process
  7. Process Creation, Process Termination, Process Hierarchies, Process Implementation
  8. Cooperating Process
  9. Advantages of Cooperating Processes
  10. System Call
  11. Types of System Call
  12. Process Management, File Management, Device Management, Information Management, Communication
  13. Threads
  14. Difference between Process and Thread
  15. Advantages of Thread
  16. Types of Thread
  17. User Level Threads, Kernel Level Threads
  18. Difference between User-Level & Kernel-Level Thread
  19. Multithreading Models
  20. Many to Many Model, Many to One Model, One to One Model
  21. Inter-Process Communication and Synchronization
  22. Race Condition
  23. (Rules for Avoiding Race Condition) Solution to Critical Section Problem
  24. Critical Region
  25. Methods for Avoiding Critical Region
  26. Mutual Exclusion Condition
  27. Proposals for Achieving Mutual Exclusion
  28. Disabling Interrupts, Lock Variables, Strict Alternation, Peterson's Solution, Test and Set Lock, Sleep and Weak up
  29. Producer-Consumer Problem
  30. Types of Mutual Exclusion
  31. Semaphore, Monitors, Mutex, Message Passing
  32. Serializability
  33. Lock-based Protocols
  34. Simplistic Lock Protocol, Pre-claiming Lock Protocol, Two-Phase Locking 2PL, Strict Two-Phase Locking
  35. Timestamp-based Protocols
  36. Thomas' Write Rule
  37. Classical IPC Problems
  38. Dining Philosophers Problems
  39. Readers Writer problems
  40. Sleeping Barber Problem
  41. Process Scheduling
  42. Types of Scheduling
  43. Preemptive Scheduling, Non-preemptive Scheduling, Batch Scheduling, Interactive Scheduling, Real-time Scheduling
  44. Scheduling Criteria or Performance Analysis
  45. Scheduling Algorithm
  46. Round Robin, First Come First Serve (FCFS), Shortest Job First (SJF), Shortest Remaining Time Next (SRTN), Priority Scheduling, Fair-share Scheduling, Shortest Process Next, Lottery Scheduling, Guaranteed Scheduling, Scheduling in Real-Time System, Multilevel Queuing, Multilevel Feedback Queue, Highest Response Ration Next (HRN)

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BCA 4th Semester Operating System Notes Pdf:

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