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Unit VIII: Media Software | BCA 4th Semester Computer Graphics and Multimedia Technology Notes Pdf

The basic tool set for building multimedia projects contains one or more authoring system and various editing application for text, images, sounds, and motion video.

A few additional applications are also useful for capturing images from the screen, translating file formats, and moving files among computers when we are part of team, these are tools for the housekeeping tasks that make our creative and production life easier.

Media Software – Computer Graphics and Multimedia Technology

In this “Media Software – Computer Graphics and Multimedia Technology” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Basic Media Software Tools
  2. Text Editing and Word Processing Tools
  3. Painting and Drawing Tools
  4. 3D Modeling and Animation Tools
  5. Image-Editing Tools
  6. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Software
  7. Sound Editing Tools
  8. Animation, Video, and Digital Movie Tools
  9. Multimedia Authoring Tools
  10. Features of Authoring Tools
  11. Types of Authoring Tools
  12. Card or Page Based Authoring Tools
  13. Advantages of Card or Page Authoring Tools
  14. Disadvantages of Card or Page Authoring Tools
  15. Icon Based or Event-Driven Authoring Tools
  16. Advantages of Icon Based or Event-Driven Authoring Tools
  17. Disadvantages of Icon Based or Event-Driven Authoring Tools
  18. Time-Based Authoring Tools
  19. Advantages of Time Based Authoring Tools
  20. Disadvantages of Time Based Authoring Tools
  21. Object-Oriented Authoring Tools
  22. Characteristics of Object-Oriented Authoring Tolls
  23. Different Stages of Authoring

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BCA 4th Semester Computer Graphics and Multimedia Technology Notes Pdf:

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