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Unit IX: Distributed Operating System | BCA 4th Semester Operating System Notes Pdf

A computing system composed of large numbers of CPUs connected by a network is known as the distributed system. In other words, a distributed system can be defined as a collection of autonomous computers linked by a network with software designed to produce an integrated computing facility (or equipped with distributed system software).

Distributed Operating System – Operating System

In this “Distributed Operating System – Operating System” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction of Distributed Operating System
  2. Some of the Examples of Distributed Operating Systems
  3. Advantages of Distributed System over Centralized System
  4. Speed, Inherent Distribution, Reliability, Incremental Growth, Open System
  5. Advantages of Distributed System over Independent PCs
  6. Resource Sharing, Flexibility/Scalability/Openness, Concurrency, Reliability, Fault Tolerance, Transparency (Feeling of a single system)
  7. Disadvantage of Distributed System
  8. Complexity, Cost, Security, Integrity Control More Difficult, Lack of Standards, Lack of Experience, System Design More Complex
  9. Hardware and Software Concepts for Distributed System
  10. Communication in Distributed System
  11. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Network
  12. Layered Protocols
  13. Client-Server Model
  14. Message Passing
  15. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
  16. Process in Distributed System
  17. Clock Synchronization

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BCA 4th Semester Operating System Notes Pdf:

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