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Unit VI: Management of Software Engineering | BCA 5th Semester Software Engineering Notes Pdf

Proper project management is essential for successful completion of a software project and the person who is responsible for it is called a project manager. To do his job effectively, the project manager must have a certain set of skills.

Management of Software Engineering - Software Engineering

In this “Management of Software Engineering - Software Engineering” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Responsibilities of a Software Project Manager
  2. Skills Necessary for Software Project Management
  3. Project Planning
  4. SPMP (Software Project Management Plan) Document
  5. Metrics for Project Size Estimation
  6. Approaches for Project Size Estimation
  7. LOC Approach
  8. Function Point Metrics Approach
  9. Project Estimation Techniques
  10. Empirical Estimation Technique
  11. Expert Judgment Technique
  12. Delphi Cost Estimation Technique
  13. Heuristic Technique
  14. COCOMO Model
  15. Analytical Estimation Technique
  16. Project Scheduling
  17. Organization Structure
  18. Functional Format
  19. Project Format
  20. Team Structure
  21. Chief Programmer Team
  22. Democratic Team
  23. Mixed Control Team Organization
  24. Software Project Staffing
  25. Major Issues in Staffing
  26. Quality of Software Engineer
  27. Risk Management
  28. Categories of Risks
  29. Process of Risks Management
  30. Software Configuration Management
  31. Source Code Control System
  32. Revision Control System (RCS)

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BCA 5th Semester Software Engineering Notes Pdf:

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