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Unit V: Software Reliability | BCA 5th Semester Software Engineering Notes Pdf

Software reliability is one of the most important elements of the overall quality of any software even after the accomplishment of software work. If it fails to meet its actual performance after its deployment, then the software is considered as unreliable software. We cannot expect better performance from such software.

Software Reliability - Software Engineering

In this “Software Reliability - Software Engineering” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Introduction to Software Reliability
  2. Measures of Reliability and Availability
  3. Software Reliability Measurement Techniques
  4. Product Metrics
  5. Project Management Metrics
  6. Process Metrics
  7. Fault and Failure Metrics
  8. Reliability Metrics
  9. Mean Time to Failure (MTTF)
  10. Mean Time Between Failure (MTBR)
  11. Rate of Occurrence of Failure (ROCOF)
  12. Probability of Failure on Demand (POFOD)
  13. Availability (AVAIL)
  14. Software Reliability Models
  15. Prediction Models
  16. Musa Model
  17. Putnam Model
  18. Rome Lab TR-92-52 Model
  19. Rayleigh Model
  20. Estimation Model
  21. Weibull Model (WM)
  22. Bayesian Models (BM)
  23. J -M Model (JMM)
  24. Goel-Okumoto Model (GOM)
  25. Thompson and Chelson’s Model
  26. Software Safety

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BCA 5th Semester Software Engineering Notes Pdf:

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