A data warehouse is a repository of information gathered from multiple sources and stored under a unified schema at a single site. So, a data warehouse is the database that stores current, historical and external data of potential interest to decision-makers through the company.
Data mining is one of the knowledge discovery tools that is used to analyze the huge volume of data contained in a data warehouse or data marts and to reveal the hidden patterns, trends or relationships in data.
In this “Data Warehouse and Data Mining - Management Information System” you will learn about following topics:
- Introduction of Data, Information, Field, Record, Table
- File System
- Database
- Objectives of the Database Approach
- Database System and Hierarchy
- Purpose of the Data Hierarchy
- Components of the Data Hierarchy
- Types of Database Model
- Database Management System
- Database Management System Tools
- Data Repository
- Data Warehouse
- Key Characteristics of Data Warehouse
- Types of Data Warehouse
- Pros of Data Warehouse
- Cons of Data Warehouse
- Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD)
- Process of Knowledge Discovery in Database
- Need for a Data Warehouse
- Building a Data Warehouse
- Data Warehousing Technologies
- Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
- Types of Online Analytical Processing
- Operations of Online Analytical Process
- Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
- Difference between Online Analytical Processing and Online Transaction Processing
- Data Marts
- Meta Data
- Categories of Metadata
- Role of Metadata
- Data Warehouse Schema
- Data Mining
- Uses of Data Mining
- Data Mining Tools
- Data Mining Process
- Classification of Data Mining Algorithms
- Data Mining Techniques
- Implementation of Data Warehouse and Data Mining
==== Point to Note ====
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BCA 8th Semester Management Information System (MIS) Notes Pdf:
- Unit I: Information and System Concept
- Unit II: Management Information System
- Unit III: Strategic and Competitive Opportunities
- Unit V: Decision Support System and Artificial Intelligence
- Unit VI: Managing IT System
- Unit VII: Knowledge Management
- Unit VIII: Legal and Ethical Issues
- Unit IX: Implementation of Information System
- Unit X: Future Trends in Management Information System